
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

April 21, 2023

Amici in Cristo,

It takes many hands working together to experience the fullness of a Christian community and so it is at the Sea Island Presbyterian Church. The above photograph is from a kitchen in Abruzzo, Italy, some 175 km outside of Roma, where Kay and I and members of our family made noodles for two pasta dishes. Over 4,000 miles from home, elbow to elbow in a tight and loving circle, we once again learned the valuable lesson of “Meeting Jesus at the Table.” (The theme from our Lenten Small Group Study)

Having enjoyed visiting family living in Roma, the many historical and religious sites of the ancient city, the wonderful food and wine, and warm Italian hospitality in addition to seeing so many people from around the world and hearing their various languages, I was reminded of an important reality. The mission, mandate, and work of Jesus and the effort of bearing witness to his message of the gospel is an absolute and critical component of everyday life that has no end.

As Lillian and Steve, Leila and Nita Grace seek the fellowship of St. Andrews Church, a congregation of the Church of Scotland in Roma on Sunday morning, Kay and I, Braydon and Keeler, will seek fellowship with you. Until then, La pace di Crist sia con voi. +

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