
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

March 24, 2023


Greetings. Two of our readings for Sunday morning, one about a valley of dry bones, remind us of how bleak and hopeless life can appear, and how the triune God can shower us with hope and new life when we least expect it. May we always be aware of God’s presence in our lives especially on the days when we do not see him. (from the Warsaw Ghetto)

A pre-recorded liturgy for the 5th Sunday in Lent will be available some time after 8:00 am Sunday morning via YouTube and the Church Website. Stay tuned! The Sunday morning bulletin with two very important announcements is available in the below attachment.

For Men of the Church, I understand it’s “breakfast up!” tomorrow morning bright and early at 7:30 am in the kitchen and fellowship Hall. Bring a good appetite. The coffee will be good and hot, too!

For Sunday morning, the St.Francis Food Trailer will be available at its usual location, the sanctuary portico. Your generous gifts of canned goods and dry stales help to restock empty shelves at the Fransiscan Center, which in turn is made available to neighbors of special need and care. Blessed are you who assist in feeding those who hunger and thirst. +

Looking to next week, our Lenten study of “Meeting Jesus at the Table” concludes Wednesday followed by the Children’s Presentation of “The Tale of Three Trees” on Sunday, April 2.

Enjoy this last weekend in March with family, friends, and neighbors and see you Sunday. May the Lord bless and keep you. +

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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