
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

March 10, 2023


Greetings on a cool and wet Friday afternoon. As I take a moment to share a few important announcements, I want to first thank everyone who has spent some time on the church campus this week and extended a warm welcome to our eight college guests from Penn State. They arrived last Sunday and have enjoyed our Sea Island hospitality as they worked on a construction site with our local Habitat for Humanity chapter. They begin their journey home Saturday morning and we will offer prayers for their traveling mercies.

Looking to host a number of high school and college students during the week of June 10 thru 17, Deane Feaster ( from our Mission’s Committee is looking for volunteers who might like working with young people especially serving a hot breakfast at 6:30 am during their time with us. Affiliated with the Salkehatchie Summer Service and the South Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church, camp personnel will be repairing several homes on Lady’s Island and St. Helena. We have hosted this group before and are looking forward to doing it again.

Sea Island Presbyterian has received two substantial financial gifts that have been designated for mission work. In consideration of a vision born out of the last Confirmation & Catechism Class, we are exploring in earnest a 2024 Summer Trip to Kenya where we would be involved in church related work via a relationship with the Presbyterian Church of East Africa. We are thankful to God for the financial support for mission work conducted through the congregation of Sea Island and look forward to the possibility of visiting our sisters and brothers in Christ overseas. There are two morals to this developing story. It is a mistake to underestimate the heart and generosity of people in their effort to support the ongoing work of Jesus Christ and it is a mistake to overlook the dreams and aspirations of our youth as they look beyond themselves to the needs of the world around them.

Please be aware of a new feature available on the church website in reference to our calendar of events. One can review our weekly and monthly schedule for small groups and committee meetings in addition to other gatherings that meet throughout the week and weekend.

Joshua Shipley, grandson of Ray and Marie Smith, a recent graduate of Bridges Preparatory School and Exchange Student living and studying in Costa Rica, entered the Church Triumphant unexpectedly on Wednesday, March 8, 2023. May Ray and Marie, their family and friends, continue to abide in the peace and resurrection hope of Jesus Christ. Amen. +

Of special note: Jerry (Jodie) Linn will be inducted Sunday afternoon into the South Carolina Athletic Administrators Association Hall of Fame. The ceremony will take place among family, friends, and colleagues at the Charleston Marriott Hotel. Coach Linn served as the Athletic Director for Beaufort High School for many years and coached the Varsity Baseball Team to several regional championships. Several of his baseball players were able to compete on the college level in addition to Major League Baseball. Congratulations Coach Linn!

The menu for Wednesday Kirk Night and the 5:30 pm supper will include Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes with Gravy, Green Beans, Salad and Peach Cobbler for a cost of $5.00 for adults and no cost for youth and children. Our small groups will continue to gather around the theme of Meeting Jesus at the Table from 6:15 to 7:00 pm followed by the Kirk Choir Rehearsal in the Choir Room beginning a little after 7:00 pm. We break bread and meet Jesus at the Table.

May the love of God, the grace of Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you. See you Sunday +

Daylight Savings Time begins 2:00 am Sunday +

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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