
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

March 3, 2023

Friends in Christ,

Our Mission: “Love God, Love Others, Reach Out”
The Church Campus that Never Sleeps

Our community of faith is preparing to host (9) Penn State University students beginning Sunday afternoon. Instead of traveling to the beaches of Florida for their spring break, they have committed to sharing their time, energy, imagination and love with our local Habitat for Humanity Chapter. In the coming week, Monday thru Friday, they will be working on several local construction sights with the guidance of our own Barbara Thomas, Interim Executive Director for Habitat, and John Murrie, the Habitat ReStore Manager. Sea Island will serve as their home base. If you happen to visit the church campus and see a face you may not recognize, please extend a warm Sea Island welcome.

Looking ahead to the month of June, Sea Island will again support what is known as the Salkehatchie Summer Service, a statewide service for youth and adults. Affiliated with the South Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church, its mission is to repair and improve living conditions for underprivileged residents around the state. Our church family will host the Penn Center camp from June 10 thru 17. The campers work on sites located on St. Helena and Lady’s Island. Camp personnel prepare for the campers a full hot breakfast each morning Monday through Friday. We need volunteers to assist the two persons who are in charge of the kitchen. It will be an early morning as the campers are served at 6:30 am. Rebooting this ministry following precautions that were implemented because of Covid-19, we can realistically expect 40 to 50 campers, but the number could be as high as 70 to 80, For those who are interested in assisting and supporting this important mission, or have questions, please contact Dean Fester at

In closing, the gospel narrative of Matthew 25 continues to impact and influence the mission, work, and ministry of the Sea Island Presbyterian Church. May the Lord bless and keep you. +

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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