
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

February 12, 2023

Congregational Meeting
Sunday, February 19, 11:30 am

The Session Council has called for a meeting of the congregation next Sunday following the second worship service for the purpose of receiving the 2022 Annual Report from the various committees of the church; to receive the 2023 Operating Budget as information; and to honor Johnny (Candy) Harvey as Elder Emeritus.

Women’s Retreat, Feb. 17 thru 19, Fripp Island

A good crowd of Sea Island women are scheduled for another weekend retreat on Fripp Island with the Rev. Dr. Lib McGregor from Summerville, SC as they explore the theme of “Belonging.” Questions may be directed to Jodie Linn at 843.476.1176,; or Kay Keeler at 843.812.4207;

Ash Wednesday, February 22

The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. We are invited as family and friends to an Ash Wednesday Supper beginning at 5:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall followed by a short worship service and the Imposition of Ashes starting at 6:30 pm in the sanctuary. Supper: $ 5.00.

Lenten Study. March 1, 8, 15,22, & 29

A five-week Book study begins Wednesday, March 1 with a 5:30 pm. Spaghetti Supper followed by “Meeting Jesus at the Table.” Cost for the book is $11. Sign-up sheets are located throughout the building or you may call the office at 843-525-0696 to reserve a spot. Barry Reynolds is helping to facilitate the development of small groups. (803.608.9810 or

Youth Retreat at Bethelwoods, Feb. 24-26

Our youth will be joining other youth from around the Charleston Atlantic Presbytery in two weeks at the Bethelwoods Conference Center in York, SC. Hayes Daughtery and Garrett Seckinger, members of the presbytery Youth Council, are serving on the leadership team and will be leading different portions of the retreat.

Montreat Youth Conference, NC, July 22-29

Our youth will be returning to this secluded mountain cove community outside of Black Mountain for a gathering of youth from around the southeast and beyond, July-29. This is a wonderful time and a youth group favorite as old friendships are renewed and new friendships made. Montreat is where memories are made!

Montreat Fundraiser

The two Presbyterian Women’s Circles are conducting a fundraiser to support attendees at the Montreat Worship & Music Conference. Greeting card assortments are on sale in the Fellowship Hall after each worship service and continuing thru February 19. The cards are high quality and reasonably priced. You are invited to check out the variety of cards as we continue to make our annual trips to a very special place.

Men’s Retreat, March 17-20

The Rev. Dr. Steve Cobb from Richmond, VA has been planning for this retreat which was delayed because of precautions due to the pandemic. Pair-O-Dice Island here we come. POC: Mike Yoakum at 843.263.6133 or

Montreat Worship & Music Conference
June 25 to July 1, Rising 4th Graders thru 12th Grade

We have 15 children and youth with adult chaperons attending this year’s conference. Please see Kay Keeler 843.812.4206 for more information as we prepare to pass thru the Montreat Gate once again!

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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