
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

February 3, 2023



The following “bullets” contain important information about the life, work, and ministry of the Sea Island Presbyterian Church. You are invited and encouraged to review at your convenience.

We Welcome New Members

Surrounded by family and friends, Seth and Jessica Paulk, graduates of the University of Georgia, united with Sea Island last Sunday by reaffirmation of faith and presented their daughter Sarah Mae for the Sacrament of Baptism. Seth is an attorney at law and works in the community as a Public Defender and Jessica is an educator. Sarah Mae carries a beautiful smile and is enjoying life at home.

Church Membership

Inquirers and pilgrims searching for a church home can become members of Sea Island via Profession of Faith, Reaffirmation of Faith, or Certificate of Transfer from another congregation. Please see Will Donovan, Elder for Oversight of New Members or Pastor Steve Keeler at 843.812.4207.

Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

As is our custom, celebrating the Eucharist the first Sunday of each month, we will break bread at the 8:30 and 10:30 am worship services. Please be advised that before you are served the bread and cup, we celebrate by intinction, your server will have already used a hand sanitizer. A wafer will be handed to you and you may simply dip your wafer in the cup. The body of Christ broken for you; the blood of Christ shed for you. In remembrance…

Scout Sunday

Members of Scout Troop 200 will be visiting with us at the 10:30 am worship service this Sunday. May we extend to them a warm Sea Island welcome.

Montreat Fundraiser

The Presbyterian Women organization is conducting a fundraiser to support attendees at this summer’s Montreat Worship & Music Conference. Greeting card assortments are on sale today in the Fellowship Hall after each worship service and continuing thru February 19.

Children & Mid High Youth

Children and Mid-High Youth meet Sunday, 5:00 to 6:30 pm, on the church campus. They will be exploring the Joseph story recorded in the book of Genesis and are asked to bring their favorite and most colorful coat.

Senior High Youth

Senior High Youth will gather at the home of Billy and Susan Seckinger, 25 Alligator Alley, Lady’s Island, beginning at 5:00 pm. Bring a friend, bring a game, bring an appetite!

Presbyterian Women

Presbyterian Women, Small Groups; the Lydia Circle meets Thursday morning, 10:00 am, Room 208 and the Mary Magdalene Circle meets Thursday evening, 6:00 pm, Room 208.

Women’s Retreat

Women’s Retreat with the Rev. Dr. Lib McGregor, February 17-19, Fripp Island. POC is Jodie Linn at 843.476.1176 and/or Kay Keeler at 843.812.4206.

Meeting of the Congregation

The Session Council has called a meeting of the congregation for Sunday, February 19, following the 10:30 am, worship service for the purpose of receiving an annual report from our respective committees and areas of ministry, to receive the 2023 Operating Budget Report, to also receive the 2022 Statistical Report that is submitted to the presbytery, and to hear a brief word about the vision and mission of the church for 2023.

Scotland Trip

Those making the June 22 to June 1 overseas trip, please be advised that there is a February 11 deadline for registration and payment. Online: Tour Code: Keeler23.

Ash Wednesday

A simple supper will be provided in the Fellowship Hall starting at 5:30 followed by the Imposition of Ashes in the sanctuary at 6:30 pm.

Lenten Study

The Christian education committee is sponsoring a five week book study starting Wednesday, March 1, with a 5:30 pm Spaghetti Supper (Cost $5) as we explore “Meeting Jesus at the Table.” Reservations are helpful as the Kirk Kitchen Crew plans the menu.

Men’s Retreat

There’s still room for you on Pair-a-Dice Island as we gather with the Rev. Dr. Steve Cobb from Richmond, VA. Retreat Director is Mike Yoakum at 843.843.263.6133.

Senior High Youth Retreat

Presbytery-Wide Senior High Youth Retreat, Bethelwoods Conference Center, York, SC, February 24-26; Please speak to Susan Seckinger at 843.812.0432 and/or Rebecca Polk at 843.321.1302.

Montreat Worship & Music Conference

A portion of this annual conference is designed for children and youth, rising 4th graders through 12 grade, June 25-July 1. Contact Kay Keeler at 843.812.4207 for details and additional information.

Montreat Youth Conference

Developed for rising freshmen and graduating seniors, our youth are planning to make their annual visit July 22-29. Susan Seckinger at 843.812.0432 and Rebecca Polk 843.321.1302 would like to hear from our youth wishing to attend the retreat by February 9 in order to help them make appropriate plans for housing.


The words of Tony Campolo ring in my ear about this time every week, “Friday’s here but Sunday’s coming.” May the Lord bless and keep you, and see you Sunday. +

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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