Since 1974, I have “enjoyed” two summers at Camp LeJeune in North Carolina, that beautiful and relaxing resort by the sea just above Wilmington, NC. The first summer was for training as a Navy corpsman to serve in the field with the Marines as a Field Medical Technician. The second “vacation” was for the purpose of training as a Navy Chaplain. Both summers were unusually hot and humid but I can honestly say I learned a lot as both sessions helped to frame my faith and work ethic as a pastor.

My class, consisting of about fifty chaplains, was in the field and had just completed a long march in full pack. Following chow, an active duty Colonel had been invited to brief us on what we could expect if and when orders might direct us to report to a Marine Unit. We were tired, wore out and ready to relax. Much to our dismay, however, we learned the day was not over.

As we took a knee, the Colonel began to address some of the issues related to service with the Marines. With a commanding and very direct voice, he began to speak about the dynamics that come into play when his men are on a “force march. (A “force march” defined as greater in extent than the distance usually covered and often carried out under difficulties with an increased pace and restricted halts.) The Colonel said, “When I bring my Marines to a halt, there are two men who do NOT take a knee. One is the corpsman. He is responsible for making his way up and down the ranks checking my Marines for hydration and blisters.”

The Colonel paused and drew breath. It was apparent he was about to make a very important point, “The other man is the chaplain. He is up and down the ranks encouraging the men, lifting their spirits, inspiring them to keep going.” The Colonel paused one more time, briefly, looked at us square in the eye and said, “If you can’t do that, you’re not worth a damn to me.”

As I look back on that visit in the field, I don’t remember too much about what the Colonel said at the beginning of his visit or at the end for that matter, but I sure do remember what he said in the middle!  In a later march, I remember some of my colleagues falling out and riding on the hoods of jeeps. Oh, how I wanted to quit, but I didn’t as I concentrated my eyes like a laser on the man in front of me. Where he picked up his boot, my boot landed until the Sergeant Major said, “Halt!” To this day, thanks be to God, I can say I have never ridden on the hood of a jeep!

In his letter to the church in Ephesus, Paul wrote that he was a servant of Jesus Christ and the gospel according to the gift of God’s grace that was given him by the working of his power. (Ephesians 3.7) I understand the governor is preparing for a press conference beginning at 5:30 pm.  This email could well be headed in your direction before that press conference is concluded. In light of what the governor may or may not say regarding the coronavirus and plans for the future, the leadership of Sea Island is trying to conduct the ministry of Jesus Christ in meaningful and practical ways that meets the spiritual needs of this community of faith. We are your servants in Christ. We haven’t taken a knee while on the march.

We are committed to listening to Christ, following Christ, and doing the work of Christ, adjusting, adapting, and doing what we can, when we can to take care of you and the many folks who make up this community of faith. It is different though, I have to admit, as we practice social and physical distancing. I enjoy seeing people face-to-face.

In closing, Richard and I are thankful that everyone is safe following the strong weather early this morning. People in Colleton, Hampton and Charleston counties were not as fortunate with the loss of life and property. May we pray for our neighbors as they mourn loved ones and prepare to put the pieces of their lives back together again. As we remain calm in a time of distress, extend compassion to those who are suffering, and pray for the healing of the world, do not hesitate to if you need us. Thanks be to God, we are one day closer to being able to move about again. In Christ +

Steve Keeler, Pastor

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