Financial Stewardship
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
Jesus said a lot about money and how people use it. He taught that we should use our money to care for our family, but he also taught that we should be generous in helping the poor and those of special need. He taught that we should pay our taxes, and he taught that we should use our money to support God’s institutions.
Jesus affirmed the responsible use of money and acts of giving, but added that attitude and sacrifice mattered. When Jesus was watching people put money into the temple treasury, he noticed a widow. It was this poor woman’s offering
that impressed Jesus. Even though she only put in two small coins, she gave more than the others because she had given all she had. She did not draw attention to herself; she gave humbly, and sacrificially.
As the Church was first being established, the disciples shared all they had and made offerings to support the work of the apostles, the spread of the gospel, and to provide care for those in their community. As members of Sea Island Presbyterian Church we have the same role and opportunity for giving. In planning our financial commitment to SIPC, we should consider the teachings of Christ, the example of the sacrificial widow, and the joyful generosity of the first Christians. We should remember that our offerings and gifts are used for our community, our church, and to further God’s work at home and abroad.
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